Peter W. Shackle Ph.D.
Dr. Shackle has 30 years of experience related to power electronics and the lighting industry. With 61 issued US patents in this field and a doctorate from the prestigious University of Cambridge in the UK, he is well positioned to write declarations concerning patents concerned with LED lighting and lighting electronics in general. Dr. Shackle is an elected senior member of the IEEE and a member of the illuminating engineering society. He is very familiar with Philips patents concerning lighting electronics.
Peter W. Shackle
Peter W. Shackle
Photalume information concerning AC LED light engines
LEDs Magazine white paper June 2013
LEDs magazine Sept. 2014, P74
“New Driverless LED Light Engines Have up to 93% Efficiency and No Perceptible flicker”
LEDs Magazine April 1st 2016
“Driverless AC Light Engines deiver Improved Flicker Performance”
LEDs Magazine April 2017
“A New Flicker Metric and its Application to AC LED Light Engines”
An ASIC approach to PIC. Invited Keynote address, International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices, Tokyo, April 1990
High Voltage and Smartpower ICs (book edited by P. W. Shackle, 1987) Proceedings of a symposium held at the Electrochemical Society meeting in May 1987.
High Voltage and Smartpower ICs – The last Semiconductor Frontier. Invited paper at the Fifth Australian and Pacific region microelectronics conference. May 1986
The High Voltage IC revolution. (Cover Page article) Powertechnics Magazine, September 1985.
Standard Cells Step In to Ease The Design of High Voltage Chips. Electronic Design, September 5 1985
Custom High Voltage Integrations for Industry. Presentation in Professional program at ELECTRO/85, New York, April 1985